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Democratizing Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Everyone
Rick Gregg March 06,2025 What do you think?

Opportunity for All

The saaskamp Community Startup is a funded, for-profit majority community owned and democratically controlled early-stage Omaha technology startup. The Community Startup bridges the gap for the Ninety-Nine (99%) of aspiring Entrepreneurs that never receive funding to pursue their American Dream.

Thirty-one (31%) of Americans consider entrepreneurship. The reality? Entrepreneurship is risky. We’re offering a risk-free option for an aspiring Entrepreneur to learn and participate in a real, for-profit tech startup part-time while working their full time job, working on their own startup, or to develop real-world resume building experience for future employment. Established businesses in our community can participate as well. And, from day one everyone earns real ownership when they participate – whether you are learning the ropes or building our future economic engine. We will all share the outcome as a community.

We take an innovation first, technology second approach to building a tech startup. The steps you take on your saaskamp Community Startup journey will follow what you would typically expect in a startup: bootstrapping, launching, and scaling.  You can just participate in your area of interest or learn other startup skills that you would like to acquire. We will create an individualized, unambiguous plan for your journey that meets your needs. You can come and go as you please and are always welcome. We expect that you will find your perfect fit whether its with The saasmvp Project, The Community Startup or your own startup. You can even work on your own startup with our support while contributing to the saaskamp Community Startup.  

Proposed Ownership Structure

Subject to agreement by the participants in the majority owned Community Startup and in consideration of the overall goal of democratizing innovation and entrepreneurship for everyone, we’d like to propose to you the following ownership structure for your initial consideration.

  • We must establish value for everyone’s contributions. We propose the following: one (1) hour = $100 = one (1) share. You will begin accruing ownership the minute you decide to participate. Participants will receive one (1) share for each hour of participation. Established community businesses that wish to participate will receive one (1) share for each $100 of your product or services that are consumed by the Community Startup. We are working with our lawyers and tax professionals to defer exposure on any share taxes until an equity conversion, revenue distribution or exit event occurs.
  • Initial ownership. The community participants will initially own 60% of the Community Startup. Participants will receive a normal and customary uncapped Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) with a discount. 40% of the Community Startup will be owned by The saasmvp Project and it’s Limited Partners (LPs) using a Venture Debt Agreement with Community Startup friendly terms.  
  • 100% community ownership. Once the Venture Debt obligation has been retired, the 40% ownership held by The saasmvp Project and it’s Limited Partners will be released back to the Community Startup participants.

Proposed Control Structure

Subject to agreement by the participants in the majority owned Community Startup and in consideration of the overall goal of democratizing innovation and entrepreneurship for everyone, we’d like to propose to you the following member managed control structure for your initial consideration.

  • Community management. We propose empowering the participants of the Community Startup with the following control mechanisms: board representation, hiring of the management team, personnel decisions (including the management team), policy decisions, business and strategy decisions; and funding and exit decisions.
  • Member obligations. With the overall goal of democratizing innovation and entrepreneurship for everyone, the participants of the Community Startup will develop the Code of Conduct and Contribution Guidelines for all members of the Community Startup. We will help each other and succeed together.

Open to Everyone Regardless of Age, Skill Sets & Experience

Are you looking for an opportunity to improve your life and learn new skills in a tech startup? We will find a role for you. Are you one of the following? Register with the saaskamp Community Startup today.

  • Full time employees looking for a change while keeping their job
  • Underemployed professionals looking to grow and use their skills
  • Older discriminated against experienced professionals. We need you!
  • College & high school students who want hands on experience
  • New, aspiring and experienced Entrepreneurs just like you
  • Community businesses and non-profits
  • Anyone looking for an opportunity to improve their life and learn new skills

Onboarding Now

You can begin accruing participation shares today by simply registering with the saaskamp Community Startup. You will receive one (1) share for registering and given a seat on our Slack channel. Get timely information, ask questions and get answers; help us craft policy and begin working on our innovation and technology challenges.

In the next few weeks, we will be working to educate the community on this innovative approach to democratizing innovation and entrepreneurship for everyone. Our first order of business is obtaining agreement by the participants of the Community Startup regarding the ownership and control structure. Once this has been completed, the required legal agreements will be made available on our website for registered members. We are also working diligently to roll out a comprehensive onboarding experience and can’t wait to see what we create as a startup community together.

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